Montessori Pedagogy

Your compact course in English!

Your way in just four weeks - Success with Montessori Pedagogy

Do you already know a lot about Montessori pedagogy and want to deepen your knowledge and enhance this with a state certified and approved certificate of completion? Then the “Montessori Pedagogy” compact course is exactly right for you.

Maria Montessori was born in 1870 but was intellectually far ahead of her time. With her open-minded, humanistic attitude, she developed a new educational philosophy that was directly oriented toward the child and consistently took the needs of the child into consideration. Montessori pedagogy is now more relevant than ever and has been practised successfully worldwide for more than a century. As early as 1907, the first Montessori Children's House was founded near Rome.

In Germany alone, over 1,000 schools and children’s daycare facilities work according to the timeless principles of Montessori pedagogy: “Help me to do it myself”. Unlike conventional teaching methods, Montessori sees every child as an individual and therefore supports them in their own development.

By successfully completing the Montessori course, you help children to work even better with the Montessori materials. Furthermore, you understand the history of Maria Montessori’s progressive guiding principle and can more intensively fulfil your role of assisting in the development of independent personalities.

Montessori Pedagogy

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Montessori Pedagogy

The goal of Montessori pedagogy is: To pay attention to children in their personality, to see them as whole, valuable people and to teach them to be more independent and self-confident. In order to achieve this, the learning process is individually adapted to the learning tempo and learning rhythm of the child. In doing so, educators promote the child’s natural-born drive to learn and motivate them to learn independently. The educator guides the child, but they should then try things out and gain their own experiences.

This leads to a deeper learning experience and what is learned is retained for longer. Maria Montessori developed materials and toys herself in order to create optimal conditions for caring for children.

Basic principles of Montessori pedagogy
“Help me to do it myself. Show me how to do it. Don’t do it for me. I can and want to do it alone. Be patient to understand my ways. They may be longer, I might need more time because I want to make several attempts. Encourage me to make mistakes and try, because I can learn from this.” (Montessori)

What is so special about Montessori pedagogy?

The core element of Montessori pedagogy is free work. This means: The child decides himself what he wants to do. This leads to discipline that comes from within and is not determined by educators. The materials developed by Maria Montessori herself and the observation skills of the educator help with the decision.
The child himself determines the work rhythm and how long he engages with the topic. Whether he plays alone or with others is completely up to him. This leads to an astonishingly calm and relaxed work atmosphere and to particularly creative processes.

The most important content

Get to know the following topical areas intensively with the help of the “Montessori Pedagogy” compact course.

The most important content:
• Introduction to Montessori pedagogy
• The basic foundations of Montessori pedagogy
• Montessori material
• The attitude of Montessori educators
• Current relevance of Montessori pedagogy and its importance today
• Montessori in the 21st century
• Institutions
• Further implementation of Montessori pedagogy Criticism of Montessori pedagogy
• Montessori training


The course fees come to a one-off payment of 179 Euro* for a period of one month and digital materials. In addition to this, you can expect to spend approx. 4-5 hours per week and a total of approx. 25-40 hours per month studying. The price includes everything (teaching material, feedback on submitted exercises, support, examinations and the digital certificate of completion).

• No hidden costs
• No additional certificate fees
• No processing fees
• 100 % price guarantee
• Statutory right of withdrawal
• Tax-deductible

For your security: Right of withdrawal of the participant
You have our guarantee and the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without stating reasons. Try out our course and service at your leisure. If you are not convinced and wish to exercise your right of withdrawal, you shall of course not be charged any course fees.

Price guarantee
During the term of contract for your course, in accordance with the German Distance Learning Act, the course fees shall not be increased! 100 % price guarantee for the full duration of the course!

*Distance learning courses with ZFU approval are exempt from VAT according to Section 4 No. 21 a) bb) UStG (German Income Tax Act)

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Montessori pedagogy

Course completion

Congratulations! With the “Montessori Pedagogy” compact course, you have chosen a further training course at the highest level. It has been audited and certified by the staatliche Zentralstelle für Fernunterricht (ZFU - German Central Office for Distance Learning).

The distance learning courses are reviewed according to the German Distance Learning Protection Act in regard to completeness of content and technical correctness of information. The pedagogical approach is also analysed in detail so that you can be certain that you can achieve the desired distance learning objective. Further information is available at

Upon successfully completing the course, you shall receive your certificate of completion, which has been reviewed and approved by the state accreditation authority for distance learning.

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